In this video I give an introduction to smart contracts in ethereum.
First I explain what accounts are in a simpler currency only blockchain.
Then I show how ethereum introduces a second type of account: a code controlled account (aka smart contract).
This type of account does not have a private key but instead is controlled by code.
It can store ether, just like user accounts, or it can keep a balance of 0 and be used to deliver some other function within the context of an application.
I then give examples of how you can use smart contracts.
all right so in this video I’m going to
explain what aetherium smart contracts
are now it’s going to be actually a two
part series in this first video I’m
going to use the whiteboard to explain
and then in the second part I’m going to
use a screen cam capture on my computer
while I write a smart contract I then
publish it to the blockchain so let’s
get started here with the first part so
the first part is what is a smart
well basically smart contracts are the
building blocks that you use in order to
create decentralized applications so in
order to understand how they’re
structured we first have to understand
how accounts work so if you have any
blockchain like let’s say Bitcoin or
light : or any of the other currency on
my block chains the way that it works is
you have these accounts okay and they
each have a balance so let’s say ten
Bitcoin and they each have an address so
if this guy wants to send some Bitcoin
over here then he’ll make a transaction
he’ll say you know five Bitcoin and then
of course this will go down by five and
this will go up by five right and so we
have these accounts and these accounts
are controlled by a private key okay so
that’s important to note is the way that
the user has access to the account it’s
because he owns the prat he or she owns
the private key and then can dictate
where the Bitcoin is going to go well in
it’s actually very similar in the sense
that we do have these accounts we call
them user accounts and they each have a
private key they each have an address
and the e type of balance the difference
of course is that instead of them being
called Bitcoin they’re called ether so
the units are ether
okay so you could actually use aetherium
in the same way you use a currency only
blockchain where you just exchange you
between user accounts these units that
have value now in aetherium though there
is a second type of account so instead
of just having user accounts are
controlled by private keys we also have
what are called smart contracts and
smart contracts have a balance and they
have an address
just like these other accounts except
instead of having a private key they are
completely controlled by the code that
is programmed into them when they are
created and this code can never be
altered okay so nobody in the system
there’s no administrator that has the
power to come in there and change the
code on a smart contract it is immutable
it is 100 percent per minute so if you
made a typo then you’d have to create a
brand-new smart contract that would
exist at a brand-new address and start
with a balance of zero so smart
contracts have very similar privileges
in fact I think all the privileges to
the user account has in the sense that
they can send ether they could receive
ether okay so let’s say that this person
wants to send a smart contract five
ether so he’s going to use the address
of the smart contract send it there and
then now the balance goes up to five ok
then of course this smart contract can
send ether so long as the permissions or
the rules dictating how that’s going to
happen are in the code and this address
is in there so then it can send one
ether over here and then this guy will
get six ether
okay so basically a smart contract is an
account that is controlled by code
rather than an account that is
controlled by a user now here’s where it
gets interesting and work is pretty cool
is that these smart contracts actually
do not need to keep a balance okay they
can actually just always have a balance
of zero and since they can message and
interact with other smart contracts you
can have these smart contracts that are
interacting with each other like objects
in an object-oriented program that are
working with each other to deliver some
sort of task so for instance like a
voting maybe you want to put how
elections happen on the blockchain and
so people would vote it would message a
specific smart contract in order to
update its variable so let’s say there’s
two people there’s one candidate here
and one candidate here and so then you
would message the smart contract and the
variable for this candidate would go up
and another person and the variable for
this candidate would go up right and so
you can use smart contracts in order to
store information and update information
in the same way that if you have an
object-oriented program you have all
these different little objects and
classes instances of crosses that are
working together
in order to deliver some sort of
function and so smart contracts can
store balance but they do not have to
store balance in some instances it makes
sense for them to store balance for
example if you’re a smart contract was
what’s called a decentralized autonomous
organization which is a basically a
company and you know the CEOs specific
key and the CFO and the chief design
officer and operating officer all these
people to have a specific key that then
gives them you know privileges within
the smart contract to hire people
and add them as employees know that so
maybe you have an autonomous
organization it’s within a smart
contract well in that case then yeah
maybe you’d want to have some funds that
are stored in there and so you can
actually store ether within that and you
can use that to pay employees and stuff
like that so a smart contract can store
a balance of ether but it does not have
to and decentralized applications or
what are called apps are in many cases a
collection of many smart contracts that
are working together it’s a collection
of many of them instead of just one but
in some cases if it’s a simple app it
might just be one so let’s go ahead and
give some examples of how this works
just to you know cement this here so
let’s say that we own a company and we
have five employees and I’m going to
represent these employees with these
circles on the bottom and we want to
just for simplicity of this example
we’re just going to pay them all equally
so we have ten ether and we’d like to
divide that between these employees so
we’re going to go to the payroll manager
here which input to get into this
example is going to be a human and we’re
going to ask them can you please spit
this nut spit but split this ether up
between these employees and they say
sure no problem
and so we trust it to them to send to
ether to all of these people well it
turns out that we look back after work
and because this person has free will
you know they can do what we say or not
turns out today exercise their free will
to do something that we didn’t ask
they actually favored this person over
this person so they only gave this
person one ether and this person three
ether and they gave these people the two
like we asked well we didn’t we didn’t
ask them to do this this was either a
mistake on their part or deliberate
corruption you know like why are they
doing this for them asking to do this ok
it might just be human air
who knows okay well when we’re dealing
with people that have freewill and
they’re doing just you know basic menial
tasks sometimes they can screw those up
and so wouldn’t it be great if we could
actually automate this person’s job and
replace it with a smart contract and so
in the next video I’m actually going to
show you how to write this smart
contract and it’s basically a payroll
the very simple payroll thing where it
just stores the addresses of five people
and then all either that is sent to this
contract is then divided equally between
these five people and they can collect
it okay so instead of it being uneven
it’s going to be two for each person
okay so in this case we have a permanent
smart contract on the blockchain that
stores these five addresses and nobody
has the power to change this in other
words the code dictates how this is
going to happen now this is a really
important point that you can’t change
this in the last video I gave an example
of how you know maybe have a social
network or something and you’re like
let’s say Twitter type thing where
you’re sending status updates and then
they’re publishing the status updates to
all of your friends okay well since they
have control over that server they have
like the master key and administrator
to that server that means that they can
delete things and edit things and censor
things and stuff like that whereas and
of course an example like Twitter of
course for the most part they’re going
to do it the right thing but let’s say
you have a government that doesn’t want
people to have free speech or whatever
and so they go knock Computers door and
they say you know you got to remove this
tweet or else
okay so then Twitter’s like we’ll shoot
I guess you have to remove the tweet so
with the blockchain though nobody
not even the person that created the
smart contract has the power to change
the smart contract so once it’s there
it’s there and it’s immutable it’s not
changeable and so in the case of a
dissent or in the case of a centralized
server then you have to protect that
administrator account you have to guard
the master key you have to worry about
hackers that might get in there and
change things around well in this
example nobody has the power to change
this and so once it’s there and you’re
sure it’s bug free then you don’t have
to worry about people changing it there
is no master key to protect and so in
this sense you will always be able to
know that when you send ether to this
spark contract it will be divided
equally among these these people and so
if I added another ten ether then these
people each collect four instead of two
if I added another ten and they would
collect six instead of two right so it’s
always going to divide it equally
between these people and so that’s a
good example of a simple smart contract
and again in the next video I’m actually
going to write the spark contract I’ve
already tested it and wrote it out so
then I’ll just do it again for you guys
and you’ll be able to see how this works
so let’s go ahead and give another
example of what you could use a smart
contract for so there’s this company
that’s really smart
I think and what they’re doing is called
augur and what they’re doing is they’re
collecting a bunch of and whether or not
this company will be the one that makes
this work or not I don’t know okay so
I’m not this isn’t like an investment
advice or anything I got to be careful
about that because this industry is so
you know filled with stuff so I don’t
know if orders can be the one but
there’s the certain technology where
basically they’re they’re collecting
real world information like sports
scores or like election results or even
were important things I guess in my
opinion which would be like a stock
price okay or natural disaster
information like earthquakes and floods
okay and so you’re collecting all of
this information and then this is now
available and it’s doing it in a
decentralized way you could read about
how that company happens but it’s
collecting all this information that
didn’t is available to smart contracts
and so you could imagine that if you
know what the stock price is then you
can do like options like we do in the
stock market where you can you know
write up a certain set of conditions and
if they’re match then you get a payout
and it’s not you don’t write so you can
do all sorts of things like that as far
as natural disasters imagine that you
want to automate an insurance company so
you have all these people that are
paying in a certain fee every month and
then the smart contract is collecting it
okay so it has a ton of ether and then
it also has access to this natural
disaster information and so let’s say
that you know this guy lives in a
certain area that was just flooded well
then this guy can now get his payout
because the smart contract knows about
that and so you can automate insurance
companies where instead of relying on a
person that says yeah if your house is
flood we’ll pay don’t worry about it
well now you can rely on something
that’s immutable and unchangeable so if
you have like a government program where
everybody’s paying in and had
expectation there’s a certain age or
whatever they’re going to get their
money back but then the government
spends the money on going to war or
something and it turns out they don’t
have the money okay well in that case
you’re trusting somebody who may or may
not pay you back well in this case all
the rules on how this money will ever be
handled are in the contract and so you
know and you also know that nobody has
the power
change this so you know that if those
rules say what it is that you want to
happen that if there’s natural disaster
and then you get your payout then you
know that so long as those rules say
what you want they will always be there
and it will be reliable all right so
that is another example of course
there’s so many different things imagine
any sort of you know information that
you need in order to trigger some event
there’s so many different things you
could you could do with this and then
let’s go ahead and give another example
we’ll give one more example then all in
the video so another example that I’ve
found kind of interesting is this whole
idea of the Internet of Things devices
so the Internet of Things is like the
smart light bulbs and the door locks and
all those things we have in our house so
imagine that you have this door lock
kind of like the electric ones at the
hotel where you flash the card but
instead of flashing the card this is
connected to the Internet okay and
because it’s connected to the Internet
it can be tied to a specific smart
contract and so the smart contract may
also control like the lights and in the
hotel room that this opens up into might
even control the water in the this is a
water drop the water like the water
meter inside a hotel room or whatever so
that if you want to use this hotel room
then what you can do is pay into the
smart contracts
maybe there’s a fee for 24 hours you pay
in that fee and then all of these things
unlock the door unlocks for your account
the water turns on and the light bulbs
start working for 24 hour period okay
and so you can imagine all the cool
things we could then automate within our
society as these things have connection
with real-world things and items like
door locks and light bulbs and stuff
like that
so yeah this is pretty cool and one more
thing I want to say is that how did
these smart contracts work together in
order to create like a bigger thing like
a social network or something like that
well in programming you have this idea
of object-oriented programming where you
divide the tasks up between a bunch of
things well each smart contract can be
treated as specific objects right and so
then you have all these contracts so
working together and smart contracts can
inherit from other smart contracts and
so you can organize things in a similar
way that you do with your existing
programs now the difference between this
and an object that may exist on a
centralized server is that the people
have to actually pay to change the state
of an object okay so let me write this
out so let’s take the centralized model
and just for drama I’m going to make it
I’m going to call a mean mad server okay
it’s a centralized server and it has
this evil phase because it steals your
data on that kind of thing of course I’m
exaggerating because servers are
obviously a wonderful thing that have
helped us a lot but just for drama sake
so you have this server and let’s say
it’s a social social network social
network where you’re uploading you know
images or whatever or status updates to
the server well whoever owns this server
is paying for the electricity costs
they’re paying for the warehouse that
it’s in and they’re paying for all that
stuff and so they have total control
over it and you don’t really have to pay
okay I mean in some cases you pay a
monthly fee but you don’t have to pay
because they’re paying for you and maybe
a little make their money off to
advertise themselves well in this
decentralized network we have a copy of
all the data that would be on a
centralized server that is actually
spread among those
two different nodes and all of these
people are then hosting basically what
would be a server and they’re keeping it
in harmony with one another so once this
person updates it all the other people
if it’s a valid change didn’t it make a
copy of that change and so basically
have all these people that are running
what would be a server and they’re
keeping it in sync with one another and
they actually don’t have the power to
change it because the way the protocol
is written they’re just adding changes
and it’s the people that are uploading
that are making the changes but they
don’t have the power to change it there
is hosting it well these people need to
get paid okay they need to get paid and
so who’s going to pay for their
electricity costs and who’s going to pay
for the warehouse that they have all
their supercomputers in and that kind of
thing well the way that it’s going to
work is that the person that makes the
change which would be you is going to
pay to make the change and so if you
want to you know interact with the spark
contract then you will have to pay in
order to update all of this of course
they’ll just be as a little fee but what
will happen is that it’ll pay for these
people to then have you know their
electricity costs and things like that
and these of course are the miners or
does the people that are storing a note
but they don’t get paid if they’re just
sort of note the miners are the ones
that are making changes to the
decentralized server and therefore
there’s a one stat get paid to do that
all right so what was the point of all
this well remember we started with this
idea that you have all these objects
just like you do an object-oriented
programming but the thing that’s
interesting and these are all working
together but the thing that’s
interesting is that the user is going to
be paying in order to change the state
of these objects okay and so you have to
design your network in such a way where
you’re cognizant of that fact
because people aren’t going to want to
pay just to update their profile picture
unless they’re really worried about it
being censored or something but if you
have a social network where people then
get reimbursed if they make a post that
has thousands of likes or something
well then maybe in that case people
would be willing to actually pay a fee
to use your network so there’s this
whole set of design challenges that we
get into as far as how are you going to
make a decentralized social network
viable okay and there’s some people that
are trying to do it one of them is
called Akasha
which is making the first decentralized
social network but we’ll see if it is
actually a viable thing whereas certain
apps already totally viable 100% you
know working as of today and those apps
are the primary killer app so far is
crowdfunding apps where you know you
have a collection so let’s take
decentralized version as the first
example which would be Kickstarter or
something like that
well Kickstarter has to pay in order to
have the server they have to figure out
how all the different currencies are
going to come in and what they’re going
to which currency they’re going to pay
it out in get to deal with all the laws
in all those countries and stuff like
now with aetherium since you already
have this globally accepted currency
then people are just going to pay into
the crowdfunding thing with ether okay
and the contract can store the ether so
you don’t even need to have a bank
account so you have all these people
that are paying into a contract for a
crowdfunded thing and if it reaches a
certain fundraising level then you know
it pays out to the person who’s going to
create the products and if it doesn’t
reach that level then all the money goes
back to the people that paid into the
contract okay well in this case this is
like a totally awesome thing to do
because you don’t have to pay that 10%
to the centralised version like what
Kickstarter would be and so in this
example it actually makes sense people
don’t have to care if they pay a five
see to donate in five dollars or $10 or
maybe a whole lot more dollars in order
to a project because they’re already
sending money and in the fact that the
person that is receiving the payout it
makes a lot of sense for them because
they don’t have to pay the ten percent
to the middleman and so if you are
raising like ten million dollars well
you can save ten percent of that which
would be like what like a million
dollars and so it makes sense for you
just to write a decentralized contract
to handle your crowdfunding campaign and
to go through a centralized source so
hopefully that makes sense people who
are watching here and I’m going to go
ahead in the video here and then in the
next part what we’re going to do is of
course write a smart contract and then
publish it to the blockchain so that you
can see how that process works alright
thanks for watching